NS Record Lookup

Comodo Secure DNS
Verisign Public DNS
AdGuard DNS
Get DNS Information
Get DNS Information
Enter a domain name to retrieve DNS records
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About this tool

An NS (Name Server) Lookup Tool allows you to query and retrieve the authoritative name servers responsible for managing the DNS records of a specific domain. This is essential for understanding how a domain's DNS is configured and for troubleshooting domain-related issues.

What Are NS Records?

NS records are a type of DNS record that designate which name servers are authoritative for a domain. These records ensure that DNS queries for the domain are routed to the correct servers for resolution.

Key components of an NS record:

  • Domain Name: The domain or subdomain for which the NS record applies.
  • Name Server: The hostname of the authoritative DNS server (e.g., ns1.example.com).

For example, an NS record might look like this:

In this case, ns1.example.com is one of the authoritative name servers for the domain example.com.

Why Are NS Records Important?

  • DNS Resolution: Without proper NS records, queries for a domain won’t be routed to the correct servers, leading to potential resolution failures.
  • Domain Control: NS records determine where DNS records like A, MX, and TXT are managed, making them critical for maintaining control over a domain.
  • Troubleshooting: NS lookups are the first step in diagnosing issues like propagation delays or DNS misconfigurations.

How to Perform an NS Lookup?

The dig command-line tool is a powerful way to perform NS lookups. Here’s a basic command:

This retrieves the list of authoritative name servers for the domain example.com.

Using a Specific DNS Server

To query a specific DNS server, you can include the server address in your command. For example, querying Cloudflare’s DNS server:

This asks Cloudflare's server to return the NS records for example.com.

Advanced Dig Commands

  • Get Short Output:
  • Returns just the list of name servers without additional details.

  • Trace DNS Resolution:
  • Performs a trace query to see the complete path taken to resolve the domain’s NS records.

Common Issues with NS Records

  • Missing NS Records: If a domain lacks NS records, its DNS records cannot be queried, leading to service disruptions.
  • Propagation Delays: Changes to NS records might take time to propagate globally, causing temporary resolution issues.
  • Misconfigured Servers: Pointing NS records to non-responsive or incorrect servers can result in DNS lookup failures.

How Our Tool Helps

Our NS Lookup Tool provides an intuitive way to query the name servers for a domain. It fetches and displays the authoritative servers, helping you quickly verify configurations, troubleshoot issues, or analyze DNS setups.

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