Number Extractor

Number Extractor

This Number Extractor tool is a web utility that finds and extracts numerical information from a text or document. It helps you identify and collect numbers (like phone numbers, dates, or prices) within a larger body of text, making it easier to work with or analyze numerical data.

How to use Number Extractor?

The tool is free and super easy to use. Follow these steps:

  • Paste large text data in the first input box.
  • Select how you want the output to be separated, such as space, comma, newline, etc.
  • Click on the 'Extract Numbers' button.

5 Reasons Why You Should Use Our Tool

  1. Fast & Free
  2. No Limitations
  3. Settings to Control Output
  4. Device & User-Friendly
  5. No Popups & Annoying Ads

Features - That Set This Apart

We take user experience seriously; that's why before publishing any tool, we thoroughly check other tools on the internet to understand what others are offering and identify ways to enhance our tool & user experience.

  • Clean UI
  • Sort Output
  • Exclude Duplicates
  • Output Separator
  • Custom Output Separator
  • No Popups & Annoying Ads

How it works?

A number extractor tool finds and pulls out numbers from text or documents, making it easier to work with numerical data. It uses patterns and rules to spot and isolate these numbers for use in calculations or other tasks.

Important FAQ's
What does this tool do?
A number extractor tool identifies and extracts numerical values from text or documents.
Is the number extractor tool free to use?
Yes, this tool is available for free.
How to ensure the tool excludes duplicates when extracting numbers?
To ensure exclusion of duplicates, click the checkbox labeled "Remove Duplicate Numbers from the List."
What does 'deliminate with newline, space, tab etc' mean?
The "Deliminate with" option allows you to specify the desired output format. For example, selecting "Delimit with space" will separate the output with spaces, while choosing "Delimit with newline" will format the output with line breaks.
How can I report a bug in this tool?
If you find a bug, please send us an email immediately using this form or at our address - [email protected]
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